More About NCRF's Legacy Society

Estate planning is critical to everyone

  • If you don’t plan ahead, the government will determine the fate of your assets. Be sure your will is up to date.
  • By planning ahead, you control where your assets will go. You also get the peace of mind and your family won’t have the tremendous stress of straightening out your estate.
  • Remember charitable giving in your planning. Charitable giving not only helps you protect your assets but can include impressive tax reductions, avoidance of capital gains taxes, and markedly reduced estate taxes.
  • You can take advantage of the special benefits that legacy gifts provide.


NCRF’s Legacy Society

NCRF has a planned giving program called the Legacy Society. There are several ways you can support NCRF’s Legacy Society. Each may have important income or estate tax benefits to you and your heirs.

  • Outright gifts: Outright gifts can be used immediately. A gift of appreciated stock or mutual fund shares can be particularly advantageous from a tax standpoint because it avoids a capital gains tax.
  • Bequests: While taking care of your loved ones, you can also make a bequest to NCRF’s Legacy Society through your will. You can leave a particular asset, a percentage of your estate, or a portion of assets remaining after other specific bequests for your family. A bequest to NCRF’s Legacy Society is fully deductible for estate tax purposes.
  • Life insurance: You can name NCRF as the beneficiary of all or a portion of a life insurance policy. Amounts left to NCRF are fully deductible for estate tax purposes.

Additional benefits

  • You’ll enjoy deep satisfaction knowing that you’re returning something to a profession that has been good to you.
  • You are helping your profession by providing critical resources to continue important programs.


What NCRF will do with your support

  • Support court reporting students through NCRF’s Student Initiatives Program. This program awards scholarships for their education. It also pays NCRA student membership dues for students who transcribe two or more histories under NCRF’s Oral Histories Program.
  • Provide outreach education about our technology to nonreporting groups through our Legal Education Program. This program provides teaching tools for reporters to conduct seminars for law students, first-year lawyers, and judges on how to make a good record. 
  • Raise awareness of our profession to the public through NCRF’s Oral Histories Program. NCRF has partnered with organizations to transcribe histories of national significance, such as the Veterans History Project at the U. S. Library of Congress.
  • Develop and maintain strategic alliance contacts and partnerships with people and organizations that are directly affected by our profession.
  • And more!


CRF’s Legacy Society?

Used the following legal designation for NCRF’s Legacy Society for your will or on a beneficiary designation form for a life insurance policy:

“National Court Reporters Foundation, a nonprofit 501(C)(3) charitable corporation organized under the laws of the District of Columbia and having its principal office at 12355 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 610, Reston, VA 20191.”

Our Federal Tax Identification Number is: 54-1153729.

NCRF strongly encourages you to consult with your personal financial planner, tax consultant, or legal counsel when considering a gift of this type to NCRF’s Legacy Society or to any other organization.



For questions or additional information about this program and other NCRF programs, please email