Carl Sauceda Grant

The Carl Sauceda Grant is offered through the National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF). The annual $2,000 grant will be awarded to an NCRA member who is a court reporter or captioner and who has shared his or her knowledge by either helping to build a mentoring network, assisting others to advance their skills, or providing a comparable learning activity.



About Carl Sauceda

Carl Sauceda, FAPR, RMR (Ret.), of Hayward, Calif., was elected to serve as the National Court Reporters Association President from 1999 to 2000, but his legacy of giving back to others carries on today. Read more on the


Carl Sauceda photo

"After having served as an official court reporter in the courtroom for more than 45 years, I felt that I was one of the most fortunate persons in the world to embrace the profession of court reporting, a career that I enjoyed tremendously. My becoming a court reporter introduced a world to me that I would have never known."

Carl Sauceda, FAPR, RMR (Ret.)

Number of grants: One
Grant award: $2,000



Carl Sauceda Grant requirements


Eligibility criteria

Members must meet the eligibility requirements and submit the completed documentation listed below to qualify for the grant.

  • The nominee must be an NCRA member in good standing.
  • The nominee must be either actively involved in the court reporting or captioning arena or have been actively engaged in working in court reporting or captioning within the previous year.
  • The nominee must have demonstrated excellence in the field by: Work history; dedication to the advancement of the profession; volunteerism; education; and/or support of the profession in an exemplary way.
  • Self-nominations are permitted with appropriate documentation.
  • The applicant/nominee must have shown through leadership, training, support, and/or education, the ability to motivate and encourage and inspire others in the field. Documentation for this can be self-reported and confirmed by a third-party to verify information.
  • The nominee must have demonstrated a consistent desire to improve the culture, spirit, and perception of the court reporting and captioning field through community outreach, personal interaction, and professional team building.



How to apply

The following documents and information are required to be submitted for application:

  • Completed Carl Sauceda Grant Nomination Form (online form below)
  • Nomination letter: 300-350 words, double-spaced, with nominator full name on each page.
    (Topic: Explain why you believe the nominee should be considered for this grant, and how their proposed project or effort is related to helping today's and tomorrow's court reporting and/or captioning community.)
  • Evidence of the event, activity, or program that the applicant/nominee hosted. Photographs, testimonials of attendees, blogposts, and writeups are all evidence of the noted activity.
  • For self-nominations: At least one other person must corroborate in writing that the event, activity, or program did take place to corroborate the nominee’s outreach. The audience must be identified as well.





Donate to the Carl Sauceda Grant fundraiser

Donate to the Carl Sauceda Grant fundraiser to support the annual grant that honors his legacy and ambassadorship for court reporting.

Donate to fundraiser


Past winners

2024: Denee’ Vadell, RPR, Edison, N.Y
2023: First place winner: Kimberly Xavier, RDR, CRR, CRC, CMRS, CRI, Arlington, Texas
Second place winners: Stacy L. Drohosky, RMR, CRR, CRI, Hammond, Indiana and Erminia Uviedo, RDR, CRR, CRC, San Antonio, Texas
2022: Margary Rogers, RPR, CRI, Washington, D.C.


For more information on this and other Foundation scholarships, please contact NCRF at