National Congress of State Associations (NCSA)

What is NCSA?

The National Congress of State Associations (NCSA) is one of NCRA’s most vital and active committees. Functioning as a conduit between state associations and the NCRA Board, NCSA performs a critical role within NCRA by providing a forum for state leaders to discuss issues and propose improvements to NCRA’s governance, policies, and procedures. NCSA gives voice to state affiliates on the national level. NCSA protects, informs, and educates affiliates and helps the board understand the needs of affiliates.

NCSA holds one formal meeting annual at the NCRA Annual Conference and will hold several quarterly Congressional meetings throughout the year, as well as informational meetings at designated NCRA conferences (i.e., NCRA Leadership Boot Camp).

NCSA Guidelines

Dedicated to empowering state leaders...  




NCSA mission statement

The purpose of the National Congress of State Associations is to provide a forum of state association leaders to meet at the time of the Annual Conference of NCRA for purposes of exchanging experiences, information and various points of view involving the Association and the profession. The National Congress may also adopt resolution statements for purposes of information, positions, and/or guidance to be considered by affiliated associations and NCRA.



NCSA membership

The NCSA Leadership Team shall be composed of the NCSA Chair, NCSA Vice Chair, and a minimum of four (4) appointed Leadership Team members. The NCSA Leadership Team members shall be chosen by the Board of Directors. NCSA delegates may nominate an NCRA member in good standing for the NCSA Leadership Team. The NCRA Executive Director shall appoint an NCRA Staff Liaison to NCSA.

Each NCSA Leadership Team member shall serve a two-year (2) term, with staggered terms to ensure continuity of Committee membership.

At the NCSA Annual Meeting, the NCSA membership is composed of two Delegates from each NCRA-approved affiliated association (“Affiliate”). Each Affiliate must formally designate its Delegates annually. This two-delegate system gives each Affiliate an equal voice and an equal vote.

At meetings other than the Annual Meeting, NCSA Affiliates may designate an Affiliate Representative to act on its behalf if its Delegates will be in attendance at the host conference.


Resolutions and position statements

Resolutions are proposals forwarded to the NCRA Board of Directors for their consideration which suggest actions or direction which the NCSA membership believes the NCRA Board of Directors should take. Position Statements declare the NCSA Delegates’ position on an issue. Affiliated units may submit resolutions to be considered by the NCRA Board of Directors at any time throughout the year

The Resolutions or Position Statements submitted by affiliated units will be considered by the Board of Directors for adoption or non-adoption at its next subsequent meeting. NCSA Resolutions are often the driving force behind changes in NCRA policies or procedures.

Affiliates are encouraged to submit Resolutions and Position Statements. Resolutions and Position Statements should relate to the following areas for information and discussion purposes:

Types of problems experienced at the state level and constructive suggestions for assistance from NCRA:

  • Types of assistance states feel are needed from NCRA
  • Suggestions for increasing professionalism among verbatim stenographic reporters
  • Suggestions and ideas for strengthening the profession
  • Suggestions for improving ongoing programs in NCRA
  • Positive experiences and programs which have proven beneficial to individual Affiliates.

Here is an example of a successful resolution:

“Delegates from the State of Colorado recommend the following Resolution: A booklet be created containing questions commonly asked reporters and answers regarding videotape vs. live reporters.” This Resolution was adopted by NCSA and was approved for action by the NCRA Board of Directors in 1987. (See NCSA Resolutions Index, Publications/Public Relations, Resolution 87-04-CO.)




More about NCSA

The significance of NCSA

NCSA has always performed a critical role within NCRA by providing a forum for state leaders to discuss issues and propose improvements to NCRA’s governance, policies, and procedures. NCSA gives voice to State Affiliates on the national level. NCSA protects, informs, and educates Affiliates and helps the Board understand the needs of Affiliates.

The NCRA Board of Directors has affirmed NCSA’s significance by charging NCSA with expanding its role within the Association. The participation of every Affiliate is crucial if NCSA is to meet the Board’s charge.


The future of NCSA

While continuing its commitment to the Resolutions and Position Statement process, the current NCSA Chair and Vice Chair are committed to focusing more of NCSA’s resources to address the needs of the Affiliates, to increasing NCSA's role in shaping the future of NCRA, and to giving NCSA Delegates and Representatives a forum to share information and communicate more effectively with each other. To date, the NCSA Chair and Vice Chair have created an email list for NCSA Delegates; held Information Exchanges or seminars at the Legislative Boot Camp, and the Annual Conference; and have begun a complete overhaul of the NCSA Resolutions and Position Statements process to make it more accessible and relevant to Affiliates.

The NCSA Chair and Vice Chair will not only conduct meetings, but will gather and review the information shared at these meetings to detect trends, identify common problems, and guide Affiliates to solutions. From their collective wealth of experience and leadership in the court reporting profession, Affiliate leaders will convey their insights on important issues and offer guidance to other Affiliates. 

The NCSA Chair and Vice Chair will also work to facilitate more frequent bi-directional dialogue between Affiliates and the NCRA Board. Greater interaction between the NCRA Board of Directors and our Affiliates will make NCSA stronger and more adept at dealing with issues on a national level. We will be able to address issues more comprehensively and on a national basis rather than on a state-by-state basis.


NCSA is all about you

The foundation laid by the Chair or Vice Chair will only bear fruit if all Affiliates actively participate. This means you! The structure has no meaning without the input of all Affiliates. The process is designed to give equal consideration to the needs of all Affiliates, regardless of size, and to afford all Affiliates equal access to the information-sharing process.

We hope that this NCSA 101 primer has been informative and has persuaded you to take an active role in NCSA. We can’t do it without you, the Affiliate. For more information about NCSA, visit the Government Relations section of the NCRA website or contact NCRA's Government Relations Department.

We’ll be looking for you!