Considering a career in court reporting or captioning? See what traits you possess that are similar to those of a successful court reporter or captioner. Take a few minutes and complete this interest survey. Be sure to be honest with your answers. You might find that a career in court reporting or captioning could be the right choice for you.

Remember, court reporters and captioners work with the latest in technology designed to capture and preserve the written record. They also have the opportunity to work in a number of unique and interesting venues. From the courtroom to the classroom to live events such as the Super Bowl or the U.S. State of the Union address, the opportunities to make a difference are endless.


DiscoverSteno Interest Inventory Survey


Contact information

Demographic Information

For questions #1-10, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
1. I enjoy taking notes.

2. I like starting and finishing assignments.

3. I function best when I have a deadline.

4. For me, learning is about accepting and seeking new challenges.

5. Details about how things work and why things are done a certain way are interesting to me.

6. Whenever I see an error, I am the first to jump on it and correct it.

7. I can remember incredibly random details that no one else does.

8. I enjoy starting up and carrying out projects.

9. I ask critical questions of myself when I am studying, reading, or working.

10. I am able to apply prior knowledge and processes to construct new knowledge

For questions #11-20, please indicate whether you are capable of performing, or learning to perform, the following activities.
11. Listening carefully and remaining focused for long stretches of time.

12. Typing (writing on a keyboard) quickly and accurately.

13. Checking the accuracy of your work multiple times.

14. Learning about the law and legal, medical, and technical terminology.

16. Putting in hours of practice to perfect your skill level.

17. Sitting in one place for periods of time without getting up to stretch or take a break.

18. Working independently with little or no oversight.

19. Accepting criticism and using it to improve your skills.

20. Placing a high value on confidentiality.

By submitting this form, you are granting the National Court Reporters Association permission to forward your information to NCRA-approved court reporting programs.

For questions, email

Thank you!  



After completing the survey, you will receive information about the NCRA A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program and NCRA-approved court reporting programs.