Awards and Contests

NCRA awards a number of honors and awards throughout the year. These include:

Recognize your peers

CASE Award of Excellence

The Council on Approved Student Education (CASE) Award of Excellence to an Outstanding Educator is given in recognition of dedication to students and extraordinary contributions to reporter education.

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Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) encourages and recognizes work amounting to distinguished service by individual members of NCRA for the benefit of the reporting profession. For more information, contact Laura Butler.

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Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters

Fellowship in the Academy of Professional Reporters (FAPR) is a professional distinction conferred upon a person of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in the field of shorthand reporting.

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The Jim Bouley Family Lifetime Award for Altruism

The Jim Bouley Family Lifetime Award for Altruism honors working captioners and/or court reporters who give back to the profession and the community with no expectation of any reward.

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Honorary Members

Any person who has attained high rank in the reporting profession as a practitioner of the art of verbatim stenographic reporting, as an author of verbatim stenographic reporting literature, or as a benefactor of the profession, but who is not in the active practice of verbatim stenographic reporting, upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, may be elected an Honorary Member.

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National Speed Contest

Held at the annual NCRA Conference & Expo, the National Speed Contest consists of three five-minute dictations: Literary at 220 wpm; legal opinion at 230 wpm; and two-voice testimony at 280 wpm. Contestants have 90 minutes for each segment to transcribe. The scores of everyone who qualifies in all three legs will be averaged to determine the NCRA Speed Contest champion.

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National Realtime Contest

Held at the annual NCRA Conference & Expo, members who hold the RMR and/or CRR test their realtime writing skills in this annual Realtime Contest. The competition consists of two five-minute dictations: Straight matter at 180 wpm and two-voice matter at 225 wpm.

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