Legislative Support

A wide range of legislative support is available to NCRA members. We can help you and your state association effectively lobby legislators, conduct research for specific legislative targets, formulate a plan of action for achieving your legislative goals, and develop effective partnerships with other local organizations who may have similar legislative goals.

Boot Camps

  • NCRA staff can present at your state conventions and give presentations on effectively lobbying state officials. There is a vast amount of experience dealing with legislators in NCRA’s government relations department, and they have presented at numerous state conventions around the country.
  • NCRA also offers a “Leadership” or “TEAM” conference on alternating years right before the annual convention.
  • These two seminars focus on leading your association and being a chief advocate for your profession.


  • Help craft a specific plan of action to strengthen the court reporter’s place in your local court system.
  • Advice on who should you meet with and how to work with them.
    • Advice based on each specific situation.
    • Legislators, Judges, the State Bar, other litigants, court administrators, etc.
  • GR Staff is able to hold conference calls with you and your state’s leaders to discuss strategy and help decide the best route for your state association.


  • NCRA monitors the news nationwide for new articles and studies pertaining to court reporters and the profession.
  • NCRA can provide background documentation on certification, licensure, ER/DAR, contracting, or specific information as requested.
  • If you have a specific issue, NCRA will do its best to help you find the answers that you are looking for.

Meeting preparation with key decision makers:

  • What materials should you present to which key players.
    • NCRA can help prepare materials for specific members of Congress or your state legislature.
  • Which topics should you focus on? Which topics should you avoid? What will resonate with them?

Assist in writing language for Legislation

  • NCRA has supported numerous states by writing certification, licensure, anti-contracting, and other notable legislative language.

Advocacy campaigns

NCRA can coordinate grassroots advocacy campaigns for your state association to respond to legislation in your state. Whether it be a bill that helps or hurts the profession, NCRA can help you mobilize the court reporting community in your state to reach out to your legislators through email or social media to implore them to take action.

NCRA needs YOU

While NCRA is hard at work protecting your livelihood and increasing opportunities for reporters nationwide, we still need your help. As JFK almost said, "Ask not what your profession can do for you, but what can you do for your profession."

To take a more active role in your profession and find out what is happening in the industry, explore the links in the left-hand column. You will find out about hot issues affecting reporters and the easy steps you can take to make a difference.


After all, if you don’t protect your profession, who will?