In memory of Gina Battaglia, daughter of Stephane Battaglia, for Gina's Memorial Scholarship, from Kenneth Kozlowski
In memory of Dorothy Clinco, by daughter Karen Santucci, Plaza College
In memory of Woody Waga, by daughter Lauren Schechter
In memory of Nancy Hopp, by an Anonymous Admirer/Colleague
In memory of Ronald Scire, father of Michael and Richard Scire, from their colleagues and friends.
In memory of Ellie and Jim Bouley, mother and father of the Bouley children, from their colleagues and friends
In memory of Bob Frelier, husband of Lillian Frieler, from her colleagues and friends.
In memory of Jaime A. Richards, beloved father of new NCRF Angel Gercha
In memory of Shirley Houston, donated by new NCRF Angel Melinda Garriga.
In memory of Lisabeth Chasolen, mother of Deanna Dean, donated by Deanna's friends, colleagues and those who work with Deanna.
In memory of Sharon Velazco's mother Linda Williams Pell Carroll, donated by Sharon's friends, colleagues and those who work with Sharon.
In memory of Stephanie Zeder Battaglia's daughter, Gina Battaglia, donated by family friends: Yvonne and Desmond Martello
In memory of Susan Dye, sister of Sandy Rodrigue Narup, donated by Sandy's loving friends and colleagues.
In memory of Evelyn Dumbrisky Rodrigue, mother of Sandy Rodrigue Narup, donated by Sandy's loving friends and colleagues.
In memory of Sherelyn Brasher Welch, mother of Amy Doman, donated by Amy's loving friends and colleagues.
In memory of D.G. "Jerry" Tyler, husband of Karen Tyler, by Carol Mixon
In memory of D.G. "Jerry" Tyler, husband of Karen Tyler, by Anonymous and Karen Tyler's practice friends
In memory of Gina Battaglia, daughter of Stephanie Battaglia
In memory of Rich Germosen's beloved stepfather, Eligio Antonio Rosario, Sr.,
by Anonymous Donor
James "Beau" Brincefield, J.D.,
by his loving wife, Cathy Seay Brincefield
Freida Sclafani Williams
by Florida Court Reporters Association
Alan Agren by Sue Terry
Howard R. Fuechslin, United States Marine Corps, by Ernesto Espiritu
Bear Smith by Bobbi Jo Van Deusen
Deanna Johnson by fellow court reporters and friends and by various organizations
Joseph J. Sweeney by NCRA Past Presidents
Richard L. Mowers by fellow DSA recipients, 2009
Sally J. Cochran, 1972-73 NCRA President, 1979 DSA recipient by NCRA Past Presidents, 2006 and by fellow DSA recipients, 2006
Gary L. Sonntag by G. Allen and Diane Sonntag, by STAR, by Oklahoma Court Reporters Association, by Illinois Court Reporters Association, by Hunter & Geist, Inc., by Brown Reporting, Inc., and by AIRE
Rosalie Stevens, 1996-97 NCRA President, 1993, 1994 NCRF Chair, by friends at NCRA and NCRF
Carol G. Colston by "The Hooples"
Bridget B. Brittan by fellow federal reporters
Harry J. Foster by Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association, 2003 and by S. Michael Rosenberg
Irving L. Kosky, 1974-75 NCRA President, 1978 DSA Recipient by NCRA Past Presidents, 2002 and by fellow DSA recipients, 2002
Michele Mancuso Howell by G. Allen & Diane Sonntag
Robert H. Clark, Librarian-Historian Emeritus, 1994 DSA Recipient by fellow DSA recipients, 2000, by LA General Shorthand Reporters Association, and by Nancy & Price Banister, Salomon Reporting Service
Lawrence W. Burt, NCRA President 1975-76 by NCRA Past Presidents, 1999 and by Doris Wong & John Mahaney
Rachel Lerschen, 1962 DSA, 1955-56 NCRA President by fellow DSA recipients, 1998
Abraham Al Weinstein, 1991 DSA by fellow DSA recipients, 1998
Frank G. Taylor by Nancy & Price Banister, Salomon Reporting Service
Dennis K. Bossard by Nancy & Price Banister, Salomon Reporting Service
William James Talty by California Court Reporters Association
Honorable Kenneth H. Adams by Rosalie Stevens
Martin Fincun by Fincun-Mancini Court Reporters
Elsa Swanson Cooper by Karla Wollin Boyer
M. Eugene Olsen by Dorothy & Hugh Roe and Elaine & Kenneth Christensen