VHP event at Library of Congress honoring Rep. Ron Kind
VHP event with Rep. Ron KindIn October 2000 Rep. Kind authored legislation creating the VHP, which preserves and makes accessible firsthand accounts of American war veterans. A large portion of this preservation is owed to NCRF’s Oral Histories Program, which recruits volunteer court reporters to transcribe veterans’ stories from oral interviews.

Veterans History Project

Veterans History Library logo


The Library of Congress Veterans History Project

The Veterans History Project (VHP) is the first of several oral history projects that NCRF and NCRA members have supported through NCRF's expanded Oral Histories Program. Since 2003 NCRA members who volunteer their services have worked with NCRF and the Library of Congress to record and transcribe the moving stories of many U.S. veterans and Gold Star Families, building a lasting legacy of the diverse group of men and women who have served our nation.

The VHP program was expanded in 2007 through the 1,000 Voices Initiative, which took the project to the public asking them to interview any veteran they might know. Many veterans have never made any formal record of their experiences, but they are willing to sit down and talk with someone who will listen. This initiative continues to play an important role in preserving veterans’ stories.


VHP toolkit medal


The Veterans History Project (VHP) Tool Kit offers members the resources they need to host a successful event.

The VHP Tool Kit features a catalog of downloadable resources including tips on how to plan and host a successful VHP event, valuable links to the Library of Congress VHP website, media advisory and business card templates, and more.


Contribute to this lasting legacy

Transcribe a veteran's prerecorded history

Guidelines and forms from the Library of Congress

Transcription guidelines

Host a VHP Day

Guide to hosting a VHP Day

VHP hosting guidelines

Interview a veteran

Field Kit: Conducting and submitting Interviews

VHP Field Kit



NCRF VHP Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the prerecorded VHP interviews?

Prerecorded interviews are 30 to 90 minutes. We send interviews that are shorter than 50 minutes to student members.

How many pages are the transcripts?

The transcripts average 50 pages in length.

How long do I have to get the transcript back to you?

Reporters have 3-4 weeks. Students have 6-8 weeks.

Is it difficult to get an extension?


Will I earn 0.25 CEUs per transcript?

No. You will earn 0.25 PDCs per VHP transcript. Registered members can earn a maximum of 1.0 PDC (or four transcripts) within their three-year certification cycle. Learn more about CEUs and PDCs at NCRA.org/WaysToEarn.

Are the interviews colloquy or Q&A?

The interviews are colloquy.

What will I need to return to NCRF?

At a minimum, you will return a hard copy of the transcript, a copy of the transcript and the actual interview on a CD or thumb drive, and the Gratuitous Service Agreement (GSA) form. The Library of Congress requires that we send them your hard copy and the digital document saved on the thumb drive or CD. This is a Library of Congress VHP policy. ALWAYS keep copies of your work. To expedite the processing of your PDC credit, please email your VHP files to ncrfoundation@ncra.org.

I will be transcribing a veteran’s interview in realtime. Is there anything I should know?

Yes. In addition to downloading the Field Kit from the Library of Congress website to get the sample interview questions and required veteran and interviewer release forms, you also will need to complete the Voluntary Services Agreement form (page 13 of the VHP Transcription Guidelines).  Please request PDCs from NCRF in your email.

Will my name be published on the Library of Congress website as the transcriber?

Yes. See this transcript entry on the Veterans History Project website as an example. Please know that we cannot monitor the work of the Library of Congress and its processing of our NCRF-submitted transcripts.

I have a suggestion for a question that should be on this FAQ sheet. Where should I send it?

Please email your suggestions to ncrfoundation@ncra.org.

Thank you for supporting our veterans and helping to preserve our nation’s history!