Virtual Mentor Program - Mentee sign-up Form

Thank you for choosing to participate in our Virtual Mentor Program. Please fill out the form below and press the submit button. You will receive a confirmation that you have been registered for the program.

Program mentee requirements

The NCRA Virtual Mentor Program is open to mentees who are current stenography students enrolled in a court reporting program. The program is NOT open to non-students such as working reporters looking to switch areas of focus, voice/digital students, or participants of the NCRA A to Z program.

Select the box below to acknowledge you understand the mentee requirements of the NCRA Virtual Mentor Program.


Contact information


Mentee information


What type of court reporting are you pursuing?



What are you looking for most in a mentor? Check all that apply:


NCRA Standard Agreement - Mentee

  • I will introduce myself to my mentor via email or phone upon being matched by the Virtual Mentor Program.
  • I agree, together with my mentor, to discuss the parameters and logistics of our communication.
  • I respect my mentor’s time, and I will answer emails and/or phone calls within a reasonable time frame.
  • I understand the relationship between my mentor and me is professional in nature and that our communications must remain confidential.
  • I acknowledge that the views, opinions, guidance, and remarks of my mentor are personal and may not reflect the views, opinions, guidance, or remarks of the National Court Reporters Association or any other professional association.
  • I understand that my assignment as a mentee is voluntary. If I elect to discontinue my participation in the NCRA Virtual Mentor Program, or if I wish to be assigned a different mentor, I agree to promptly email my mentor of this decision. As a courtesy, I will also notify the Virtual Mentor Program of my decision via email at so that another student may be assigned to my mentor.
  • I promise to abide by this agreement adopted by the National Court Reporters Association Virtual Mentor Program. If I fail to adhere to this agreement, I understand and agree that my mentoring relationship may be terminated, and I may be removed from the mentoring list.
Please select below as acceptance to our terms and agreement.