Policies and Procedures Manual - Section 8 - Certifications and Continuing Education


CEU extension policy

Individuals can request a four-month extension of their recertification date. These requests are handled by staff and do not affect their three-year certification cycle dates. Individuals may request extensions only once per three-year cycle. Requests beyond four months which are not handled by reinstatement are referred to CAPR (Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters). Requests for extensions of time to complete continuing education requirements must be made in writing and accompanied by payment of an extension fee to be set by the Board of Directors and received prior to the recertification deadline.


Exam retention

This policy addresses the length of time a mandatory certification requirement is valid towards earning a certification. Learn more.

Exam history reinstatement

The exam history reinstatement policy allows candidates one additional three-year opportunity from the date of paying the Exam History Reinstatement fee to apply this exam history toward earning a certification. Learn more.

Credential Reinstatement Policies for all NCRA Certifications

The credential reinstatement policy for all NCRA certifications is now a three-tier policy that affects reinstating individuals depending on how long ago the certification lapsed. Learn more.



Procedures for Handling Cheating on Certification Exams

The following procedures shall be followed in investigating and resolving complaints that an individual has violated NCRA testing policies and procedures during an NCRA-administered test. All proceedings are confidential.

The Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters (“CAPR”) is responsible for investigating all allegations of violating NCRA testing policies and procedures on any NCRA-administered test.

“Executive Director” refers to the Executive Director or his or her designated representative. “Individual” refers to a test candidate or other testing personnel.


  1. Filing and Investigation of Complaints
    1. The Executive Director and the Chair of CAPR have the authority to determine whether CAPR should initiate an investigation into whether an individual violated NCRA testing policies and procedures on an NCRA-administered test based on any credible information received by NCRA. The Executive Director and the Chair of CAPR have the sole discretion to determine if there is a reasonable basis to believe that a violation of NCRA testing policies and procedures may have occurred.
    2. Once the decision has been made that CAPR should investigate whether a violation of NCRA testing policies and procedures has occurred, the Executive Director shall forward all information received to CAPR. CAPR will review all the information and determine whether there is sufficient reason to believe that a violation of NCRA testing policies and procedures has occurred. If CAPR determines that there is insufficient evidence to determine whether a violation of NCRA testing policies and procedures has occurred, no further action will be taken by CAPR.
    3. If CAPR makes an initial determination that there is sufficient reason to believe a violation of NCRA testing policies and procedures has occurred, the Executive Director shall send a copy of these complaint procedures along with all of the evidence considered by CAPR and CAPR’s initial determination to the individual.
    4. CAPR will send all written communications to the individual by certified mail, overnight express courier, or hand delivery. The individual has thirty (30) days from the date of the letter of notification within which to submit a written response to CAPR.
    5. CAPR shall keep confidential all records, documents, files, and evidence pertaining to a complaint, and proceedings will be closed to the public except as may be necessary for compliance with these complaint procedures or to take ancillary action with respect thereto, or unless ordered otherwise by a court or agency of competent jurisdiction.
  2. Proceedings by the Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters
    1. When the thirty-day (30) period has elapsed, the Executive Director shall forward the response, if any, to CAPR. CAPR may reach its final decision based on the original information received and the response, if any, or may ask the Executive Director to obtain additional information. CAPR may also grant an opportunity for the individual to be heard either in person or through legal counsel. If CAPR determines there are disputed issues of fact that are material to its decision, it may grant any party an opportunity to present relevant information, including documents and witnesses, and an opportunity to cross-examine the witnesses called by any party. CAPR shall be the judge of the relevance and materiality of any information offered or that it may otherwise consider. Conformity to legal rules of evidence shall not be necessary.
    2. CAPR shall thereafter prepare a written decision containing its findings of fact and conclusions. It may invalidate the results for the test associated with the violation. It may also determine that the individual shall be barred from taking any NCRA-administered test for a minimum of three (3) testing cycles or permanently, depending upon the nature of the violation.

      In addition, if the individual is a member of NCRA, CAPR may recommend that the Member should be expelled or suspended (up to one [1] year) from the Association, or that the Member receive a cautionary letter, warning, reprimand, or statement of advice. If CAPR recommends that a member be suspended or expelled from the Association, this recommendation shall not become final unless it is sustained by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws. A CAPR recommendation for suspension or expulsion requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

      If a reporter’s membership is suspended or revoked for violating NCRA testing policies and procedures, NCRA shall publish that information in the Journal of Court Reporting or other NCRA publication after a decision on a complaint is final.

      Should a Member resign his or her membership in NCRA while a violation investigation is pending, CAPR shall complete the processing of the investigation as specified in these procedures.

    3. CAPR shall inform all parties as to the status of the investigation within ninety (90) days after the case is received by CAPR from the Executive Director. Normally, CAPR shall render its decision within one hundred eighty (180) days after the case is received by CAPR from the Executive Director. Notwithstanding the above, CAPR may suspend the investigation pending the outcome of any related administrative, civil, or criminal proceedings or for any other reason deemed appropriate by CAPR to ensure fairness or due process for all parties.
  3. Appeals
    1. The Executive Director shall promptly send a copy of the decision of CAPR to the individual. If the individual wishes to appeal CAPR’s decision, such appeal must be filed in writing to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days from the date of the letter notifying the individual of CAPR’s decision. The appeal must specify the grounds upon which the party contends CAPR’s decision is erroneous and should be revised.
    2. If no appeal is taken within the thirty-day (30) period from a decision by CAPR, the decision will be final and a copy of the decision will be placed in the individual’s confidential file provided that the Board of Directors shall sustain any decision to suspend or expel a Member in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.
    3. If an appeal is received within the thirty-day (30) period, the Executive Director shall forward to the Board of Directors the appeal and all other documentation relating to the matter. The Board may decide the matter on the basis of these documents or may request any additional information it deems appropriate. The Board may affirm, reverse, modify, or return the decision or recommendation to CAPR for further review with specific reasons therefor.
  4. Costs and Expenses
  5. The individual shall bear his or her own costs and expenses with respect to any proceeding except in regard to an appeal of CAPR’s decision. In that case, at the discretion of the Executive Director, the individual shall be required to bear the costs for producing copies of all documents necessary for the Board to review and decide the appeal.