Policies and Procedures Manual - Section 7 - Finance



For contracts with a cumulative annual value of $50,000 or more, NCRA’s Executive Director shall obtain approval from the Executive Committee. For contracts with a cumulative annual value between $30,000 and $50,000, NCRA’s Executive Director shall provide the Executive Committee with the opportunity to review and discuss the contracts. 

A list of any new or renewing contracts with a proposed increase of 20 percent or more will be provided to members of NCRA's Finance Committee for review in a timely manner.

All contracts shall require due diligence in seeking RFPs in order to be competitively bid. All contracts with a cumulative annual value of $50,000 or more will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval prior to execution. All contracts with a cumulative annual value between $30,000 and $50,000 will be presented to the Executive Committee for review and discussion prior to execution. The RFP requirement may be waived if there are other ways to determine the suitability and competitiveness of a contract and also in situations where there is long-standing relationship with a vendor or lack of suitable substitute. Any such waiver shall be reviewed and discussed with the Executive Committee at the $30,000 level and shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee at the $50,000 level.

Before an employee is hired or a binding contract is entered into, the Executive Director shall disclose in writing to the Board of Directors any and all prior business or personal relationships with said person or entity. Failure to make written disclosure will constitute grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination with cause of the Executive Director.

Expenditures outside the approved budget must be approved by the Board.


Corporate Credit Cards

  1. NCRA corporate credit cards may be distributed to members of the Executive Committee.
  2. NCRA Executive Committee members should specify on their credit card receipts the business purpose of expenses charged to NCRA corporate credit card accounts (i.e., Board Meeting, Committee Meeting, Annual Conference, etc.)
  3. Submit Credit Card receipts immediately following the event along with the expense detail to the Director of Governance. Upon receipt of the credit card statement, it will be emailed to the officer for signature and approval of charges.


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall annually review and preliminarily approve the IRS Form 990 prior to the filing deadline on a schedule that provides the Board with sufficient time to review the return, consult with the Finance Committee, and give formal approval prior to the filing deadline.


Investment Policy Statement, Objectives & Guidelines 

The investment policy statement, objectives & guidelines are policies regarding disposition of investment funds.  Learn more.


Reimbursement of Member Speakers

CLVS Council

Most meeting-related expenses for the CLVS Council to conduct the Production Exam Testing shall be covered by NCRA. Dates for the seminar and testing shall be determined by NCRA Staff. All expenses must qualify for reimbursement in accordance with the NCRA Reimbursement Policy.

Concurrent Seminar and Workshop Presenters (other than programs indicated above):

Speakers for Annual Conference who are current members of NCRA will qualify for a complimentary “Seminars Only” registration package. This package does not include tickets for any of the social events. Qualified presenters may request PDCs for presenting at the Annual Conference.


Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

It is the policy of the Association, as established by the Board of Directors, to reimburse travel expenses on the basis of necessary and actual expenditures involved. Individuals will only be reimbursed for the reasonable travel that meets the demands of their Association business. Additional documentation is required for any travel costs, including, but not limited to, upgraded seating, first class accommodations, non‐association-related business, etc., if combined on association expense reports. These costs will be excluded from reimbursement.

Board and Committee members should not book travel more than six weeks in advance of the start date of an event without prior written approval of the Secretary-Treasurer or President of NCRA. If such approval is given, reimbursement for any expenses incurred and submitted will not be processed until the six-week period has begun.

  1. Submit this expense report as soon as possible at the conclusion of travel or after expense is incurred. (In order to be reimbursed, you must submit the NCRA travel expense forms within thirty [30] days.) You may email or mail your signed expense report to: NCRA, Attn: [Your staff liaison]. IMPORTANT: Indicate clearly to whom the check is payable and the address to which it should be sent.
  2. An IRS form W-9 is required for reimbursement in accordance with NCRA policy. The name on the expense reimbursement form must match the name on line 1 or the DBA name on line 2 of the W-9 form.
  3. Receipts for all expenses are required. All receipts must be sent with the request for reimbursement, including receipts for all hotel and plane or train expenses.
  4. Receipts must detail the purpose of the expense and list the individuals involved. On the NCRA Travel Expense Reimbursement form in the “Description” column, state brief detail of charge (e.g., dinner with Sam, parking at airport, cab to restaurant, etc.)
  5. When traveling on business for NCRA, the following expenses are eligible for reimbursement:
    1. Single or double room rate and tax
    2. Internet usage (one connection fee per day)
    3. Transportation:
    4. By cab or rideshare.
    5. By car at (current IRS mileage rate) per mile; however, reimbursement will be made for the lower cost of either mileage or airfare. The mileage rate includes gas, oil, wear and tear. The mileage rate does not include parking or tolls, and these will be reimbursed. The Association is not  responsible for traffic fines or parking tickets.
    6. Airline Travel — An upgraded seat is acceptable where the charge for luggage is offset by the charge for the economy seat. Most economical rates only (if you elect to travel at a higher rate, you must pay the difference).
    7. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner - not to exceed $70.00 per day.
    8. Any expenses authorized by the President or Executive Director.
    9. Gratuities to a maximum of 18% of the bill exclusive of sales taxes and surcharges are permissible. Tips for hotel maids are acceptable up to $3 per room night for the reasonable business purpose of the trip.
    10. There is no reimbursement for alcoholic beverages.
    11. In the event that a committee meeting adjourns early and members of the committee or Board wish to change their airline reservations for early departure, any additional expense for the airline ticket will be the sole responsibility of the committee member or Board Member and shall not be reimbursable by NCRA unless the additional cost is less than any hotel costs avoided by the early departure.
    12. In the event that a committee member or Board Member must cancel their attendance at a meeting, NCRA will reimburse the airfare cost to that member due to the following reasons:
      • Injury or illness of that Board Member
      • Death in the immediate family (parents, siblings, children, spouse)
      • Serious injury or illness in immediate family (parents, siblings, children, spouse)
      • Or other extenuating circumstances authorized by the Executive Committee.
    13. When submitting non-travel-related expenses use the NCRA Travel Expense Reimbursement form stating the business reason for the expense and include receipts with details of the purchase. The duplicate will be returned with your reimbursement check as an indication of those items covered by the check. Only one set of receipts needs to be submitted.
    IMPORTANT: Please indicate clearly to whom the check is payable and the address to which it should be sent.


Contest Chairs Expenses

Contest Chairs will receive a complimentary ticket to the awards event at the Annual Conference.


Reserves: Protecting Reserves

Any action by the Board of Directors approving or modifying the annual budget that would result in NCRA total net assets falling below 50 percent of budgeted annual operating expenses shall require approval by a two-thirds vote of the Board.