A to Z program - benefits of program
What are the benefits of earning an NCRA A
to Z Program Certificate?
The A to Z program certificate is held in high
regard at court reporting schools because it
demonstrates your willingness to investigate if
this is the right career path. Many court reporting
schools express that completion of the NCRA A to
Z introductory program sets students up to feel
more confident and comfortable as they begin
their formal education. Students also have shared
this sentiment. NCRA has many partnerships with
industry leaders (Stenograph, ProCAT and Advantage Software)
for discounted student machines and/or software.
In addition, NCRA offers student scholarships
exclusively for NCRA A to Z certificate holders.
From time to time, NCRA also has other opportunities available for those who complete the program
which will be advertised on the Association’s
website and social media platforms.