Lynette Mueller, FAPR, RDR, CRR


Memphis, Tennessee

Lynette Mueller has been re­porting since the early 1980s and owns Omega Reporting. She is well-versed in highly complicated and technical matters, including medical, patent litigation, and biomedi­cal cases. She has reported throughout the country and in the Memphis area since 2001.

At the national level, Mueller currently chairs the Educa­tion Content Committee and serves on the Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters, the Brand Ambassadors Council, the Written Knowledge Test Committee, and the TAC Subgroup Beta Test. She has also served on the Real­time Task Force (TRAIN), the Distinguished Service Award Committee, the PR/Outreach/Creative Content Committee and as Chair of the Realtime and Technology Resource and Technology committees and the Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters. In addition to volunteering as an in­structor for NCRA’s A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program, she has been a frequent presenter at the Associa­tion’s conferences and a contributor to the JCR magazine.

At the state level, Mueller served as Vice President for the Tennessee Court Reporters Association from 2009-2010 and as a West Tennessee Director from 2008-2012.