Carol Naughton

Carol Naughton, RDR


Virginia Beach, Virginia

Carol Naughton is an official court reporter for the U.S. District Court in Norfolk, Va. Previously, she worked as a freelance court reporter for 27 years in the markets of Los Angeles, Calif., Chicago, Ill., northeast Wisconsin, and many areas throughout Virginia and Washington, D.C. She graduated from Bryan College of Court Reporting in Los Angeles, Calif., where she qualified to take — and passed — the California Certified Shorthand Reporter exam. She also holds the nationally recognized professional certification of the Registered Diplomate Reporter (RDR), NCRA’s highest certification.

At the national level, Naughton has served on the NCRA A to Z® and the Brand Ambassadors committees. She has nine years of experience serving with the National Congress of State Associations (NCSA), including six years as chair or co-chair. She assisted in the newly revised resolution process, and drafted resolutions, most notably, the reinstatement of exam history and the ability of NCRA’s Membership to vote online for any dues increases. She is also a proud supporter of the National Court Reporters Foundation and a second year NCRF Angel.

At the state level, Naughton is a past president of the Virginia Court Reporters Association and continues to serve on the Association’s Legislative Committee.