Who can serve on the Board of Directors?
Article III – Membership, Section 9 c) states that:
“Only Registered Members who are verbatim stenographic reporters and/or stenographic captioners or Retired Members and Retired Lifetime Members who have been verbatim stenographic reporters and/or stenographic captioners or Honorary Members who have been verbatim stenographic reporters and/or stenographic captioners shall be eligible to hold an elective office of the Association."
What other factors does the Nominating Committee look for in a candidate?
The following are a few factors that may be considered when selecting a board candidate.
- Active NCRA member
- Altruistic
- NCRA committee/task force work experience
- Leadership qualities and experience
- Excellent communication skills
- Commitment to NCRA growth and sustainability
- Professionalism
Does any officer automatically ascend to a higher office?
The only office that is an automatic ascension is President-Elect to President as outlined in the following section of the NCRA Bylaws.
Article VI, Officers, Section 2 - Election, Qualifications, and Term of Office, states:
“The Officers (except the President, the Immediate Past President, and the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer) shall be elected each year by the Voting Members. The term of each elected Officer shall begin at the close of the annual business meeting and the Officer shall serve until the Officer’s successor is elected. No elected Officer shall serve for more than one full term in the same office except the Secretary-Treasurer, who may serve for no more than three (3) consecutive terms. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of President at the completion of the President’s term of office."
Is the Nominating Committee required to choose from the candidates presented to them?
The Nominating Committee may choose not to select a particular candidate even though they may be the only candidate presented to the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is obligated to nominate the person or persons who, in its judgment, is best qualified to serve, even if that person(s) was not identified in the solicitation process for candidates. Ultimately, it is the Nominating Committee’s duty to select the best candidates to serve NCRA and its members’ interests. There is a readily available process for members to make additional nominations if they disagree with the selection of nominees by the Nominating Committee.
Is the Nominating Committee process the only way to get on the ballot?
No. Additional eligible members may be added to the ballot by submitting to the Executive Director, within 60 days after publication of the Nominating Committee slate, a signed letter confirming their willingness to serve in such office, together with pertinent biographical information. In pursuance of being added to the ballot, the member must acquire one hundred (100) Voting Member signatures, no more than twenty-five (25) of whom are located in any one state, within the 60-day petition period. (Reference Constitution & Bylaws Article VIII, Section 3c).