NCRA A to Z Program Steno Machine Loan or Donation Form

The NCRA A to Z® program offers participants the opportunity to learn the basics about court reporting in a six-to-eight week introduction to machine shorthand program. There is a great need for used steno machines, chargers, AC adapters, paper trays, ribbons, tripods, cases, etc. The NCRA A to Z program is looking for donations and loans to programs in your state or local area. You do not need to ship your machine or any of the other items; we only ask that everything be cleaned.

Complete this form and NCRA will add your name and items to the database. When needed, you will be contacted by a local program leader.

For questions, email Thank you!


Contact information


Machine information

Are you donating or loaning your machine(s)?

How many machines are available?


Additional equipment

Check the boxes of any ancillary items you can provide: